Vape Festival by
Friday, April 25, 2014
Vape Festival by
Vapefest is a fundraiser held by National Vapers Club
Providing the Vape Life community with an amazing opportunity to get involved with many different aspects of the lifestyle, VapeFest is quickly becoming one of the top Vape Festivals around, if not the best. Vape Fest allows for many companies that sell vape pens, vape mods and much more the opportunity to network and expand their brand reach. The Vape Fest does much more than networking though, they offer classes and much more that educate the consumer (you) the classes and training, including safty and general knowledge about vaping.
The Vape Festival is protecting your right to Vape!

Vapefest is the longest running vape event in the nation. National Vapers Club will continue to host events each year that will fund research, educate the community, and protect our right to vape.
Vapefest is a fundraiser held by National Vapers Club. Since 2010, Vapefest has provided the vaping community an event which functions as a social convention, trade show, educational forum, and industry networking event. It helps National Vapers Club fund research such as the IVAQS ( study published in 2012. IVAQS presented scientific conclusion on indoor air quality where electronic cigarette vapor was present. It has become an educational outlet for consumers and vendors alike. Classes and discussion include- how to vape, safety, political news, science of e-cigs and general knowledge about vaping.
Funding from Vapefest also helps National Vapers Club protect your right to vape. National Vapers Club has supporters and scientists that actively testify at hearings to support legislation that keeps e-cigarettes not only legal, but readily available to smokers at the local, state and federal level.
There are many different aspects of the vape community that have come together over the years, which has brought out an amazing opportunity for people to be SMOKE FREE. Personally speaking i have been smoke free for over 8 months and will never go back to the old way of ingesting nicotine. It really seems like the vape industry is going somewhere amazing.
However, with all the regulations on everything in America, the Government and the FDA are trying to put regulations on everything vape, including the manufacturers and so much more. Now is the time to get involved and save the vape community. Get involved today and join in the Vape Fest! Let’s do everything we can to stop the FDA from regulating every aspect of this industry, or at least limit the power they have over such an awesome way of life.
Visit the website today and join in to support the Vape Industry: